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Folder Lock 6.2.5

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 by A.Hooda · 0 comments
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Folder Lock
is a fast data encryption and password protection software for Windows. It can simultaneously encrypt, lock and password protect your files, folders, drives, USB drives and even CD/DVD-RW. Folder Lock creates encrypted storages called 'Lockers'. You can keep as many of your private files & folders in your Locker and password protect it with a single click. You can transfer, secure and backup these Lockers. Lockers are portable, you can keep them in USB Flash Drives, CD/DVD (R-RW), & notebooks or transfer them via email or upload. Lockers are even undeletable on the computer where Folder Lock is installed. You can treat Lockers just as you would treat them in physical world. Each user can have their own Lockers. However, a single user can create multiple Lockers with different passwords as well. With Folder Lock, you can choose either to encrypt using 256-bit AES on-the-fly encryption or lock files, folders and drives anywhere on your computer. Each Locker can contain your encrypted files as well as your personal list of locked items.

Filesize:- 24.4MB


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